Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Mmm, why am I in charge of this, you ask. That's what I'd like to know. You'd think they'd pick one of the computer nerds from the technical abilities class with the abnormally large heads or, you know, Naoya, but no. You represent the students, they say. They look up to you, they say.

You look up to me my ass.

The teachers are too lazy and Nero nominated you because he gains immense pleasure from your suffering, they don't say. So don't argue with me here. The fates have spoken and they are never wrong. And lose the gum, you look like the maid.

Note: Newbies will have fewer stars by virtue of being new. They have yet to prove themselves. The following characters have been put in order of newest (many are tied) to oldest. For those who didn't give me a specific age, I sort of estimated where they might be.)

Full name: Sylvia Cauthon
Age: 16
Alice: Taunt pheromone
Alice Type: Somatic
Alice Form: Diffuse
Star Ranking: No star (We can make it one star if you want, but you seem like a sadist xD)
Joined: New

Full name: Maya Shinozaki
Age: 17
Alice: Sound Waves Manipulation
Alice Type: Latent
Alice Form: Unknown
Star Ranking: Double Star
Joined: New

Full name: Lorelai Bay
Age: 17
Alice: Mermaid transformation
Alice Type: Somatic
Alice Form: Unknown
Star Ranking: Double star
Joined: New

Full name: Midna Silvera
Age: 16
Alice: Shadow manipulation and transformation
Alice Type: Dangerous
Alice Form: Limited
Star Ranking: Triple (She wouldn't be a special star after only being in the school for a week. I hope you'll understand. It is likely that she'll become a special star in the course of the RP.)
Joined: New

Full name: Jules Carter
Age: 17
Alice: Linking
Alice Type: Special
Alice Form: Diffuse
Star Ranking: Double star
Joined: Late last year

Full name: Michel De Angelo Robutton
Age: 18
Alice: Artistic Illusion and Creation
Alice Type: Latent
Alice Form: Unknown
Star Ranking: Double Star
Joined: Middle School

Full name: Feris Lilland
Age: 17... We think.
Alice: Mimicry and dopplegangry
Alice Type: Special
Alice Form: Latent
Star Ranking: Triple star
Joined: Age 12

Full name: Alexander Rammis
Age: 17
Alice: Amplification
Alice Type: Special
Alice Form: Diffuse
Star Ranking: Single star
Joined: Elementary school

Full name: Shino Terr
Age: 17
Alice: Animal transformation
Alice Type: Somatic
Alice Form: Intermittent
Star Ranking: Triple star (This is really tricky because the nature of his abilities would make him a three star but sheer laziness might make him a double. Let's just say he's on a rocky pedestal xD)
Joined: Age 10

Full name: Naoya Watanabe
Age: 17
Alice: Clocksmith
Alice Type: Technical
Alice Form: Limited
Star Ranking: Triple (I'm actually thinking he might be Special because he's been in the school so long. It'll depend on his Alice, behaviour and grades though. He seems a "little" weird.)
Joined: Elementary School

Full name: Mitsuki Hisakawa
Age: 17
Alice: Leaching
Alice Type: Dangerous
Alice Form: Limited
Star Ranking: Special Star
Joined: Age 6

Full name: Nero Sceer
Age: 28
Alice: Water Manipulation
Alice Type: Dangerous
Alice Form: Unknown
Role: Dangerous Abilities Teacher

Full name:
Alice Type:
Alice Form:

Here you may also dpost your NPCs, for example, teachers or students. You can even make the elementary and middle school principles if you would like, as well as the teachers for the various classes and grades (although dangerous abilities is taken.) However the senior school principle will be made by me :) Probably.

The following are basic skellies, although you may use your own and add more detail :) You don't even have to make a student or teacher. He/she could be something else entirely.

Teacher skelly:

Code: Select all
[center][img]Image here[/img][/center]

[b]Full name: [/b]
[b]Age: [/b]
[b]Alias/Nickname: [/b]
[b]Alice: [/b]
[b]Role: [/b]
[b]Personality: [/b]
[b]Biography: [/b]
[b]Other: [/b]

Student skelly:

Code: Select all
[center][img]Image here[/img][/center]

[b]Full name: [/b]
[b]Age: [/b]
[b]Alias/Nickname: [/b]
[b]Alice: [/b]
[b]Role: [/b]
[b]Personality: [/b]
[b]Relationship to the characters: [/b](If relevant. They could just be random students if you want. Otherwise they could be best friends, rivals, love interests, anything your creative minds can think of.)
[b]Biography: [/b]
[b]Other: [/b]


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