LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) -- Japanese stocks rallied out of the Friday open, supported by a perfect storm of good earnings and sales results, a falling yen and strong overnight gains for U.S. shares. The Nikkei Stock Average /quotes/zigman/5986735 JP:NIK +1.78% rose 1.2% to 14,173.88 in early moves, with the broader Topix up 1.3%. Sony Corp. /quotes/zigman/197500 JP:6758 +0.57% /quotes/zigman/197524/quotes/nls/sne SNE +4.37% jumped 3% after sitting bid-only in the opening minutes, after the conglomerate swung from its year-earlier loss to a profit that included an almost six-fold rise in operating profit. Likewise, Sharp Corp. /quotes/zigman/197304 JP:6753 +1.95% /quotes/zigman/197313/quotes/nls/shcaf SHCAF +2.89% climbed 3.7% after significantly narrowing its quarterly net loss on the back of better display sales. The major brewers also saw some earnings-related advances, with Asahi Group Holdings Ltd. /quotes/zigman/191929 JP:2502 +4.76% /quotes/zigman/191935/quotes/nls/asbrf ASBRF -1.09% adding 3.3%, and Kirin Holdings Co. /quotes/zigman/194680 JP:2503 +1.00% /quotes/zigman/310060/quotes/nls/knbwy KNBWY +2.21% ahead by 2.7%. Strong U.S. auto sales for the Japanese car makers lifted the sector, with Nissan Motor Co. /quotes/zigman/196473 JP:7201 +2.50% /quotes/zigman/202910/quotes/nls/nsany NSANY +2.25% up 2.5%, Honda Motor Co. /quotes/zigman/193651 JP:7267 +1.80% /quotes/zigman/193599/quotes/nls/hmc HMC -0.51% adding 1.7%, and Toyota Motor Corp. /quotes/zigman/199438 JP:7203 +2.25% /quotes/zigman/199376/quotes/nls/tm TM +3.56% rising 1.8% ahead of its quarterly results due after the market close. The gains came despite weak domestic sales for the firm, with Honda's Japanese sales almost cut in half due to the lack of a new model for the market. Meanwhile, the U.S. dollar's /quotes/zigman/4868099/sampled USDJPY -0.1656% rise back above the 99-yen level helped most exporters, with Renesas Electronics Corp. /quotes/zigman/326601 JP:6723 +3.32% /quotes/zigman/593649/quotes/nls/rnecy RNECY +3.67% zooming 5.1% higher, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. /quotes/zigman/195218 JP:7011 +2.55% /quotes/zigman/195227/quotes/nls/mhvyf MHVYF -15.28% adding 2.6%.
/quotes/zigman/5986735JP : Nikkei Idx
Volume: 0.00
Aug. 2, 2013 1:03p
/quotes/zigman/197500JP : Japan: Tokyo
? 2,116.00
+12.00 +0.57%
Volume: 10.49M
Aug. 2, 2013 1:03p
Market Cap?2092.77 billion
/quotes/zigman/197524/quotes/nls/sneUS : U.S.: NYSE
Volume: 2.96M
Aug. 1, 2013 4:04p
/quotes/zigman/197304JP : Japan: Tokyo
Volume: 20.04M
Aug. 2, 2013 1:02p
Market Cap?480.15 billion
Rev. per Employee?48.94M
/quotes/zigman/197313/quotes/nls/shcafUS : U.S.: OTCBB
Volume: 200.00
Aug. 1, 2013 1:05p
Rev. per Employee$590,280
/quotes/zigman/191929JP : Japan: Tokyo
? 2,643.00
+120.00 +4.76%
Volume: 1.46M
Aug. 2, 2013 1:02p
Market Cap?1208.48 billion
Rev. per Employee?89.60M
/quotes/zigman/191935/quotes/nls/asbrfUS : U.S.: OTCBB
Volume: 300.00
July 17, 2013 12:00a
/quotes/zigman/194680JP : Japan: Tokyo
? 1,511.00
+15.00 +1.00%
Volume: 2.67M
Aug. 2, 2013 1:02p
Market Cap?1400.22 billion
Rev. per Employee?53.57M
/quotes/zigman/310060/quotes/nls/knbwyUS : U.S.: OTCBB
Volume: 29,101
Aug. 1, 2013 3:51p
Rev. per Employee$646,578
/quotes/zigman/196473JP : Japan: Tokyo
? 1,065.00
+26.00 +2.50%
Volume: 5.85M
Aug. 2, 2013 1:02p
Market Cap?4642.77 billion
Rev. per Employee?58.28M
/quotes/zigman/202910/quotes/nls/nsanyUS : U.S.: OTCBB
Volume: 125,402
Aug. 1, 2013 3:57p
Rev. per Employee$664,523
/quotes/zigman/193651JP : Japan: Tokyo
? 3,670.00
+65.00 +1.80%
Volume: 4.59M
Aug. 2, 2013 1:03p
Market Cap?6575.49 billion
Rev. per Employee?53.99M
/quotes/zigman/193599/quotes/nls/hmcUS : U.S.: NYSE
Volume: 480,930
Aug. 1, 2013 4:07p
Rev. per Employee$612,307
/quotes/zigman/199438JP : Japan: Tokyo
? 6,360.00
+140.00 +2.25%
Volume: 7.06M
Aug. 2, 2013 1:02p
Market Cap?20584.55 billion
Rev. per Employee?66.16M
/quotes/zigman/199376/quotes/nls/tmUS : U.S.: NYSE
Volume: 621,945
Aug. 1, 2013 4:01p
Market Cap$209.29 billion
Rev. per Employee$798,550
/quotes/zigman/4868099/sampledUS : ICAP
Volume: 0.0000
Aug. 2, 2013 12:23a
/quotes/zigman/326601JP : Japan: Tokyo
Volume: 430,200
Aug. 2, 2013 12:59p
Market Cap?162.68 billion
Rev. per Employee?23.22M
/quotes/zigman/593649/quotes/nls/rnecyUS : U.S.: OTCBB
Volume: 157.00
July 9, 2013 3:07p
/quotes/zigman/195218JP : Japan: Tokyo
Volume: 14.61M
Aug. 2, 2013 1:02p
Market Cap?1777.91 billion
Rev. per Employee?42.75M
/quotes/zigman/195227/quotes/nls/mhvyfUS : U.S.: OTCBB
Volume: 200.00
July 30, 2013 9:30a
Source: http://feeds.marketwatch.com/~r/marketwatch/marketpulse/~3/y49p2NdPSZE/story.aspx
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